Biyernes, Enero 27, 2017

Waiting for Half-life 3 and this year might be the year for us.

It has been exactly 13 years since Half-life 2 and until now people are waiting for Half-life 3 and so many leaked information leading to half-life 3 or a game in the future that will be placed in a half life universe. Valve the creator of great game such as half-life, portal and left 4 dead.

 A lot of people thought of conspiracy theory on what is going on with Valve a company considered the greatest one of them all. Not releasing any games in about  10 years made a lot of people mad, Making us wait for a part 3 game. That is where the meme Gaben a.k.a Valve can't count to 3
But why is this year so special? Because just recently Gaben did a A.M.A in reddit and answers question for us. Even Half-life question which he ignores in the past never answering a single one until today

Where he talks about Valve and how the company is moving forward. He Talks about Source engine 2, left 4 dead 3 and steam support for there customer. This year could be special because Valve is almost finish with there improved source engine which the last source engine debut in half life 1 & 2 and gaben Said and I quote "We are continuing to use Source 2 as our primary game development environment. Aside from moving Dota 2 to the engine recently, we are are using it as the foundation of some unannounced products." Which could be interpreted in many ways but the most famous one is it could signal for a half-life 3 game featuring the source engine but not confirmed yet. Gaben the most famous person in the gaming industry manages to always perfectly skip around a yes or no answer using complex wording never answering our question and yet answering it at the same time.

Its the start of 2017 lets hope it is the year of the half-life fans but until then we can only wait.

A game that shock the world forever.

     When Half-life 2 released in 2004 it sent shock-waves throughout the gaming community forever. All other game developer from different places across the world had to quickly think of an idea to make their game better or completely loss profit and credibility to Half-life 2. 

Half-Life 2 presents a dystopian alternate history of Earth, where the resources of the planet, including the human race itself, are being harvested by an oppressive multidimensional empire, known as the Combine. The game is set around the fictitious City 17, roughly 20 years after the events of its predecessor Half-Life.
Some time after the ending of Half-Life, the instability at Black Mesa had attracted the attention of the Combine empire, and they invaded Earth. Humanity surrendered at the conclusion of the resulting "Seven Hour War". City 17 became the home of the gigantic Combine Citadel, and Dr. Wallace Breen, the Administrator of Black Mesa who had negotiated the surrender, was appointed representative and Administrator to supervise the survivors on behalf of the Combine. Unable to breed due to a Combine suppression field, humanity matured. The Combine implemented a brutal police state of Civil Protection officers and Overwatch soldiers by recruiting and biologically assimilating humans and other species. Meanwhile, an underground "Lambda Resistance" of humans and Vortigaunts, now working together, was formed. They saw Freeman as a savior who would lead them to freedom.

Is Half-life 2 is truly a masterpiece to behold. It brought us innovation we never seen. Facial animation, object physics and a silent protagonist never before seen in a game and it all got release in 2004 a year where a barrel rolling down the stair could easily make game of the year. It had the traditional Half-life signature where their is lovable character and no cut-scenes in it and yet loved by millions across the world. Half-life 2 was a format to other game developer on how to make a great game. So many games copied Half-life like Bioshock and System shock are examples of it.

Where it all started.

         The most influential thing in my life is a simple game called Half-life a video game based on guy named Dr. Gordon Freeman arrives late for work at 8:47 am in the Black Mesa Research Facility, using the advanced Black Mesa train system that leads through the facility. He arrives at the Anomalous Materials Lab, his workplace, and is informed by the security officer that the scientists have a special experiment today, so he goes to the locker room and puts on the hazard suit. He goes to the lab's lower levels, arriving at the Anti-Mass Chamber, where he is instructed that the specimen to be used that day is the rarest and also the most unstable specimen the lab has ever worked with. He is tasked with pushing the specimen into the scanning beam of the Anti-Mass Spectrometer for analysis. However, as soon as the specimen enters the beam, the spectrometer explodes, creating a sudden catastrophe called a "resonance cascade", and opening a portal between Earth and a dimension called Xen. Freeman is apparently teleported to an alien planet and catches glimpses of various alien lifeforms, including a circle of Vortigaunts, shortly before blacking out.

      The first game is always a special thing and I was lucky enough that my dad introduce me to a game that is soon recognize as the most innovative game in its generation and the best first person shooter ever.  I played this game all my childhood and always play it with people around my area in a computer shop. I still remember beating people from high school to college while I was only 15 year old. I was so addicted to this game its all I played in my childhood and until now I am still intrigue about the lore and character of the this masterpiece. 

    The reason why Half-life is so special to me not only is it the only game I played, it also tells a story without much dialogue and no cut-scenes that destroy your immersion. the first ever game in it's time to show people that games can be played with a proper and well made story.